TBU Stubenvoll

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Potential of the thermal utilisation of different waste fractions in the province Salzburg
Department of the Salzburg state government
Austria / 2006

Strategic environmental audit of the waste management of the provice Salzburg
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna, Department waste management
Austria / 2003-2004

Best available technology for fluidised bed incineration plants in the papaer and pulp industry
Austrian Federal Environmental Agency
Austria / 2003-2004

Best available technology for waste incineration plants
Austrial Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Austria / 2001-2002

Surveillance of the trial operation of the modernised burner installation and optimization of the cement kiln II of the cement mill Hoffmann GmbH
Department of the Upper Austrian state government
Austria / 1998-2000

Mechanical separation of old electrical devices
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna Department of Water, Atmosphere and EnvironmentInstitut für Wasservorsorge, Gewässerökologie und Abfallwirtschaft
Austria / 1999

Substantiate study on the thermal treatment of waste
Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Austria / 1998-1999

Technical Basics on waste incineration
Austrian Federal Environmental Agency
Austria / 1998

Measures for the reduction of emissions in the non-iron and glass industry
Austrian Federal Environmental Agency
Austria / 1998

Best available technology for cement plants
Austrian Federal Environmental Agency
Austria / 1996